Sunday, March 11, 2007

So far, so good

It's week 2 of my new chore planning system.

I've gotten all my weekly chores done.

I'm thinking about quitting my new part-time nanny job because I might have a full-time one that pays a little better in the offing. I'll know tomorrow. I wouldn't just quit because it's less money, mind you. The woman almost fired me last weekend after 2 days of work because, well, she's overprotective of her daughter. Now, I find myself walking on pins and needles around the child for fear of offending her mother and getting fired. Not a good situation, especially when it comes to discipline. Also, I've babysat for the other person I may go work for in the past so we have an established relationship there. Oh, and the woman I'm working for now has Chick Publications stuff in her house, which is downright creepy. Actually, makes me kind of ill. Especially as a lot of that stuff is racist and her daughter is mixed-race and has some self-image problems (which her mother blames on past caregivers). She'd had some reservations about hiring me because of her church involvement. Well, I have some reservations now about working for her--not because of her religion in general, but because of this specific material in her house.

How do I know what's in those comics? I read them all in my grandpa's bookstore one summer.

I'm PMS'ing, staying up too late, and questioning everything about my life. I really wish I'd stop doing that.

Oh, and my dad had another heart attack but not as bad as the last one and they stuck a stint in his clogged artery. Dad, next time, go to the doctor when you're not feeling well, don't wait for the chest pains. Pretty please?


Salihah סליחה صالحه said...

Oh gosh...I hope your dad is ok, that sounds scary!

Funny blog post...those chick pamphlet things, I got one of those once from a girl on a street corner (I think it is the same thing you mentioned) I thought the drawings in it were really creepy.

: )

Ravin said...

Yes, same publisher. The specific stuff this woman had was basically propaganda about the Catholic church and Islam and how they're in cahoots to drag everyone to hell come the apocalypse, because the Pope is the antichrist.

When I asked her, the woman said they were for a class she was taking at church and she hadn't read them yet. She didn't seem to disappointed at my giving her 1 day notice, and her check cleared.