Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've got food issues

I became a vegetarian a little over 4 years ago. I did this for several reasons:

1. I tried it out and felt healthier, started losing weight
2. Ethical issues regarding factory farming
3. I had a huge crush on a girlfriend who was a strict vegan, which was why I gave it a try in the first place.

Well, here I am 4 years later:

1. I've been gaining weight despite being pretty active. I have mondo sugar cravings that I indulge way too often, and I know my diet is a bit out of whack because it's got too much carbs and not enough things like fruits and veggies.

2. I still have ethical issues about factory farming, but compromise them all the time for dairy products so I'm being a bit hypocritical there.

3. The aforementioned friends cut me off a couple of years ago and no longer speak to me.

So, I'm thinking about eating meat again. Not a lot of meat, and preferably organic/free range meat from animals that have been humanely treated. Probably not all that often. Humane meat is also healthier meat, ditto with dairy. I think, though, that I might just start with some wings, eating out with DH.

At the same time, I'm going to start getting a grip on my sugar intake, and keep working on minimizing processed foods in our diet. I've done it before, I can do it again. Lucky Luthien gets to go along for the ride.